Writer’s Blog

Driving Traffic – Essentials and Tactics

web traffic

As I have mentioned in previous posts, if your company does not have a website or any sniff  of an online presence, then for a large percentage of the population, your company and the great services or solutions it sells, simply does not exist. So let’s assume you have decided to develop that website. You …

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Do testimonials really work?

The definition of a testimonial is as follows: tes•ti•mo•ni•al (ˌtɛs təˈmoʊ ni əl) n a written declaration certifying to a person’s character, conduct or qualification, or to the value, excellence of a ‘thing’/product/solution something given or done as an expression of esteem, admiration or gratitude In a business sense YES they work! Testimonials can be …

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The importance of proofreading

importance of prroofreading

Never underestimate the importance of proofreading. Mistakes in grammar, spelling or punctuation will reflect negatively on the writer and the organisation. Proofreading is quality control – an essential part of day-to-day business. There are many levels of proofreading. If you work for a large, global company, chances are your communication team will have a comprehensive …

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Did you know?


There are eight parts to speech: noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection.   Now you know! 🙂    

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All in a day’s work

All in a day's work

When I meet people for the first time, they always ask “what do you do for a living?” Many people who know me, personally and professionally, know that I am a “writer”. A few of my friends, family and colleagues may even go one step further and acknowledge in hushed tones that I have “something …

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Do you have DMs with your customers?

Targeted DM

If you are nervously wondering whether you and I need to have a ‘deep and meaningful’ conversation, don’t worry. I am referring to another type of DM – the kind that allows you to talk directly to your customers – Direct Marketing (DM). The subject of DM seems to polarise opinion. There are those who …

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