Writer’s Blog

Have you got the message?

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, Marketing Communications is a subset within Marketing (ie, the Promotions element of the Marketing Mix). The Marketing Communications team is responsible for promoting a targeted, consistent message to its audience. Sounds simple doesn’t it? Well yes easy enough when you know what you’re doing, but many …

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Create a winning tagline – it’s easy – Just do it!

brainstorm your tagline

Yes, Nike made it look so easy with their ‘Just do it’ tagline. It still resonates today, yet believe it or not that tagline was launched on the world over 25 years ago. The tagline was a success because it was short, easy to remember. The meaning was simple and clearly understood. It was to …

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The role of Marketing Communications

Target your messaging

If you are someone who has already qualified in Marketing, but you also have a talent for writing or graphic design, you may find your skills can be put to good use in the Marketing Communications team. As a marketing professional you will already be familiar with the marketing mix – otherwise known as the …

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Getting to grips with the Annual Report

The Annual Report is one of the most important projects of the year for many organisations. In a busy Marcoms department, care has to be taken when planning and committing to other projects in the lead up to this time as the Annual Report generally takes precedence and absorbs valuable resources for around three weeks …

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Writing for the web

I’d say it was about 10 years ago when I noticed a change in writing roles and position descriptors. Writers and communication specialists were no longer just expected to provide content for marketing communication campaigns or editorial for magazines. Strategy and deliverables didn’t stop with printed brochures on good paper and quality giveaways. It had …

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Social Media Marketing

So what is your opinion about social media marketing? Is your company committed to the cause, or skirting around furtively at the sidelines, not sure whether to jump in or run away? Having researched the benefits and pitfalls of social media as part of the marketing strategy, it is apparent that there is huge potential, …

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